Can I just say?! WOW!! My heart is full of happiness and love! When I was designing this bag and pincushion, I would stop every now and then, smile and think "I wonder who will love this bag and pincushion as much as I do?" I had 271 entries and was happy to see so Many would!! I now finally have the answer to "who" will be loving these as much as I do! I had my Lil Bug draw from my candy jar (just thought it would add some sweetness) and pick two lucky winners. And the Winners are...
Isn't he cute? Needs a little haircut....Oh, yeah...
Drum roll please......
You just won the Yummy Cupcake Pincushion!
Ohhhh...I am so happy for you both!! I hope you will love your Whimsy item!!! I will be contacting you and getting your mailing information.
Lil Bug was such a good helper! He really loved pulling names out and seeing us (my family) clap and get excited. He kept pulling after the first 2 and we had to keep telling him we were done. See...he too was trying to get all of you to win!
To all those that entered, I am humbled and grateful! Once your comments and love came pouring in, I realized, doing a giveaway was going to be a hard thing for me! You all said the sweetest things and I could see you genuinely wanted to win! If I had the ability to make sure every single one of you had won...I would! The good news is, this is not the last you are going to see of the Whimsy Birdie Bag or the Yummy Cupcake Pincushion!
I have been working away on many Whimsy items and look forward to opening my Etsy Boutique soon! I can't wait to show you so much more!! I will be selling my Whimsy Birdie Bag for $60 and my Yummy Cupcake Pincushions for $15. I have decided to start taking Special orders now if any of you would like either and offer these at a special price of $50 for the bag and $10 for the Cupcake. This is a limited time, only for the next month. I also will be limiting how many bags I will make. Each bag has a lot of love, time and detail. I want my Whimsy customers completely happy with every item! Besides the Birdie Bag,I have lot's more ideas for my canvas bag's as well. Again,"Thank you!" You all touched my heart in a very great way and I promise you there is so much more to come and many more great giveaways!!
Speaking of you ever wish you could have a super power? I woke up this morning thinking "If I could have one wish I would have a super power... it would be called "Turbo Power!"I know... a little delirious, still just waking up from a dream. Seriously, I have so many ideas and projects I want to show you all I wish that I could have them done the instant I think of them! I am looking forward to sharing with you all the journey ahead and letting you see what has been creating in my head.
For those that are followers, "Thank You!" so happy to have you here! Looking forward to knowing each of you better and having lots of great friendships! As I have said before, "that is what I love about blogging...the friendships!"
Make sure to have this cute button on your blog.
You could be in Kim's FFF...Future Feature File!
This was such an honor! I LOVE this blog! Kim features blogs that are creative and have so many great ideas. She also does such a great job adding her sense of humor into each post and sharing her point of view, I love that about her!
Upon waking up last Saturday morning I was notified on my cell that I had several messages in my e-mail. One happend to be from Kim telling me to check her blog. With anticipation of what I might see...I clicked on her blog to see her post was on...ME! It was a very exciting for me. I never dreamed 4 months ago when I started this that I would be featured on her blog. I was ECSTATIC!! I think my family thought I had lost it, they never see me wake up in such a good mood. They were happy the rest of the day,because mom was happy. Nice how it works like that!
"When Mom's is happy...everyone is happy!"
A few more things to share with you all. I actually won a giveaway...several weeks ago! I know, I probably have broken a blogging rule by not posting sooner! Sorry, I was deep in creativity...but very grateful to have won a very cute, Recipe Magnet Board!
I never win anything!! Seriously! Rachelle at She's Crafty has a great blog and Online store! She is so sweet to share lot's of great tutorials, and ideas on her blog. She has many cute items for sale in her store too. A popular item she makes and sells is nursing covers.
She too has been featured on Today's Creative Blog!
Make sure to stop by and see her if you haven't already!
Another great blog and now friend that I have enjoyed visiting is Aubrey at Made You Blush. Visiting Aubrey you will be taken by her amazing beauty, feel inspired with her thoughts and great quotes at the end of each post and see that she has amazing talent in design!
She is Beeaauutiful!
antique framed chalkboards...Gorgeous!

Love this!
She has also tagged me,(again so sorry to post so late on it!) 8 Things and just recently gave me "One Lovely Blog Award"!
Thank you Aubrey, so sweet!
A great blog to follow and visit!
Here are my 8 Things...
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
~Going on our family vacation next week!
~Designing more items for my Whimsy boutique
~Finishing many projects...
~Getting our Orders from the Air Force to show our exact date of our move
~Moving to Colorado Springs
~Getting to finally decorate our Master bedroom...once we move...been on hold!
~Losing more weight...always a never ending battle...
~Spending time with my kids this summer
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
~Bought paint to finish a dresser in the boys room
~Missed Mr.Wonderful...TDY until today
~Organized lots and lots of toys
~Played ball with Lil Bug
~Did some shopping
~Bought more fabric for the Birdie Bag
~Tried replying to lots of comments! ;)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
~Travel more
~Have time to paint again with my oils
~Be more patience at times...having 5 kids definitely tests them!
~Live more in the moment of each day
~Have a super power...Turbo Power! lol
~Accomplish all the things I want to get done in a day, week or month...
~Enjoy finding new clothes for me
~Have my office/creative space finished as I see it in my head!
8 Shows I Enjoy:
Food Network Challenge
Most anything on HGTV
CSI- I like trying to solve it before they do.
Americas Funniest Home Videos...even after all these years!
So You Think You Can Dance~wish I could dance like that...
Criminal Minds
Biggest Loser
Well I will end this very long post and I will get to work so I can show you lot's more in my next post! I will be leaving on vacation next week, but will make sure to have something for you all while I am gone.
Before I go, I want to leave you with a taste of Summer. One of my favorite things to eat in the summer..Berries!! Fresh, delectable and oh so pretty! Here is a tasty summer dessert my family enjoyed the other night.

Mixed fresh berries, vanilla pudding and topped with whip cream...yummy!!
Enjoy the start to your summer!